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Thank you for your interest in the Special Education Program at the University of West Georgia!
Please complete the form below and we will send you information about the program in a follow-up email.
Your First Name:
Your Last Name:
Your Email Address:
Phone Number:
How did you hear about the Special Education program at UWG?
Friend/Family Member/Colleague
Current UWG SPED Student or Alumni
Google or Internet Search
Other Social Media
Other (please specify):
In which program(s) are you interested?
Bachelor of Science in Special Education
Bachelor of Science Dual Certification: Elementary and Special Education (P-5)
Master of Arts in Special Education (Seeking Initial Teaching Certification)
Master of Education with a major in Special Education (for current teachers with a Bachelor Degree in education)
Applied Behavior Analysis Certification
Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) in Special Education
Specialist in Education (Ed.S.) in Special Education with Tier One Leadership Certification
Autism Endorsement
Dyslexia Endorsement
Other (please specify):
We will send you general information regarding the program in a follow-up email. However, do you have specific questions we can answer about your interest in our program?
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